Articles de terrorisme d’État

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The Revolution’s strength is the terrorists’ worse punishment

barbados terrorismo

The perpetuators of the Barbados crime died with impunity, rewarded and encouraged. They spoke brazenly of their cold-blooded acts, under the protection of the “liberties” provided by the empire, a paradise for criminals.
What thoughts, what images, what sensations filled their thoughts, minutes before the explosion: The longed-for homeland? Havana laid out before their eyes, to be admired from the plane’s windows as it descended to the runway?

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Cuba n’oublie pas

ho,maje crimen barbadod

À l’occasion du 40e anniversaire du crime de la Barbade et de la Journée des victimes du terrorisme d’État, une cérémonie politique et culturelle a eu lieu au théâtre Lazaro Peña de la capitale.